| Basic Evidence of Conspiracy in the Assassination of President Kennedy If you've always wondered why people think there was a conspiracy - here's a quick little set of some of the basic glaring discrepancies in the government's case on this. |  | The Posthumous Assassination of John F. Kennedy Why would one commit a political assassination if not to get rid of a perceived threat? The threat Kennedy's legacy posed was as big as the threat the man himself posed, if not bigger. It was not enough to kill the man, when so many grieved his passing. It became necessary to kill his reputation so that no one would care who killed him or what his death portended. Read a well-written discussion of this campaign, and how Sy Hersh's book is the latest in a long line of similar efforts. |  | The Garrison Investigation and the Trial of Clay Shaw Jim Garrison was the New Orleans District Attorney who has so far been the only public official with any kind of authority to actually bring someone to trial for participation in a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy. Examine his case, and the FBI media assets working avowedly to undermine him. And hear Garrison put his own case forward, refuting his contemporary critics, in the famous Playboy interview. |  | Oliver Stone: Killing the Messenger Oliver Stone has consistently made movies that have gone against the grain of the "conventional wisdom." But all toleration of opposing views ended when it was revealed he was doing a film on the Kennedy assassination. Read how the media critics took off after a film that had not even finished shooting (JFK)! Some of the same media voices misrepresented evidence in the past, but never acknowledged their own mistakes. A separate article outlines the latest attack on Stone as he examines Richard Nixon, Watergate, and "that Bay of Pigs thing" in his film Nixon. |  | Executive Session Testimony: McKeown This is one of the most interesting interviews taken of a witness. But be warned! It's around 100 pages! Skip it until you have the time, or read bits and try to remember where you left off. Robert McKeown was a gunrunner who knew Castro, met Ruby and also met Oswald. The HSCA (House Select Committee on Assassinations - 1977-79) tried to badger, cajole, harass and initimidate this witness into changing his story. He never did. See what kind of pressure others were under through this example. |  | The Media, the CIA and the JFK Assassination The Media Center of the Real History Archives carries several documents that attest to the involvement of specific journalists with the CIA. As Carl Bernstein's article The CIA and the Media shows, the CIA often employs journalists, sometimes as parttime informants and other times as full-fledged covert operators. No wonder we haven't heard the truth about the Kennedy assassination, when the CIA controls the media mouthpieces on the subject! Lastly, you can find the famous |  | CTKA / Probe Magazine There are over 60 free articles on this site relating to the Kennedy assassination and other traumatic events of the sixties. CTKA stands for Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination. This group shows how the events of the present day are illuminated by a better knowledge of the past and its players. Read and learn. | | The Assassinations: Probe Magazine on JFK, Malcolm X, MLK and RFK
The Last Investigation By Gaeton Fonzi Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba and the Garrison Case By Jim DiEugenioOswald and the CIA By John Newman Let Justice Be Done By William Davy Plausible Denial: Was the CIA Involved in the Assassination of JFK? By Mark Lane On the Trail of the Assassins By Jim Garrison The Men Who Killed Kennedy Inside the CIA, Vol. 1 - History Inside the CIA, Vol. 2 - Assassination Inside the CIA, Vol. 3 - Subversion CIA - The Secret Files (4 tape set) |
| People often ask, "Why does the Kennedy assassination still matter?" It's a good question, and one worthy of a longer and more detailed response than you'll find here. Ultimately each person needs to answer that for themselves, but here's one response: When the government can flat out lie to its citizens about the death of its own President, when the truth is knowable, when the conspirators still living are not prosecuted, when the accessories after the fact still grind out the disinformation, when a concerted campaign to publish books promoting the big lie can go unchallenged, and when the media is not held accountable for its participation in the 40+ year cover-up, then our constitution is meaningless, our laws without substance, our people without hope of ever participating in the pseudo-democracy that passes for America. If we allow ourselves to be lied to in so blatant a fashion about something as important as the assassination of a president, can we really expect the government or the media to tell us the truth about anything at all after that? Is that why Watergate happened? Iran-Contra? If no one is held accountable, than anything goes. We are only just now finding out about an operation during the Vietnam war to spray nerve gas on deserters. What is going on now that we cannot know for another thirty years? George Orwell wrote in his famous book 1984, "Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past." He wasn't being facetious. He was giving us a strong warning, and one that should be well heeded. Don't give up your history. It's too important. |